NVRS Executive Committee – Tenure (2022-2024)

Prof. Om Krishna Malla

Dr. Eli Pradhan
Immediate Past President

Dr. Sanyam Bajimaya
View ProfileDr. Sanyam Bajimaya
Senior Consultant, Cataract & Vitreo-Retina Surgeon, Nepal.
Dr. Bajimaya is a leading Cataract and Vitreo-retina Surgeon in Nepal. He is current President of Nepal Vitreo-Retina Society (NVRS). He’s a graduate of the 2017-2018 Leadership Development Program (LDP) of Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retina Society (APVRS) and a Life Member/ council member of APVRS (2017-2018). He has contributed as a Senior Consultant at the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Nepal for 13 years. Dr. Bajimaya is the founder chairperson of Netradham Foundation in Nepal and Managing Director of Netradham Eye Care Center, Kathmandu. Emerging an ophthalmic career from developing countries like Nepal is a real challenge! Dr. Bajimaya has come a long way from Western Development Region and had received his medical degree (MBBS-2001) from Chittagong Medical College, Bangladesh. He completed his residency training in Ophthalmology from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. He joined the Lumbini Eye Institute (LEI), Nepal in 2007, and later joined Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology in 2010, over which he completed his Vitreo-Retina fellowship training in 2012 from Tilganga’s sister eye center, John Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, USA. His special interests are Cataract, Vitreo-Retina, and Pediatric Retina. He has also received special trainings from national and international ophthalmology associations: Advanced Phaco training under leadership of Prof. Junsuke Akura, Tottori University, Japan; Dr. Hiroyuki Matsushima, Dokkoyo Medical University, Japan at Himalaya Eye Hospital, Ghari-patan, Pokhara; Phaco training program by Association for Ophthalmic Cooperation to Asia (AOCA), Japan; Management Training on Eye Care Program Managers at Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology, Madurai; ORBIS Hospital Based Training Program with Prof. Dr. Pravin U. Dugel, Retina Consultants of Arizona, USA at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology; and ICO Residency Program Directors Course.
While Tilganga is famous for her Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP), it has now moved to the vitreo-retina area and Dr. Bajimaya has been making good contribution in terms of training and service in Nepal. Moreover, for the last decade, Dr. Bajimaya has been involved in many eye programs and allied with various local/international non-government agencies on screening for Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) and Glaucoma. With support from USAID & Helen Keller international (HKI) he started Phase 1 and Phase 2 ROP program in Nepal. This ROP program has shown very effective use of tele-screening of premature babies from 6 major neonate intensive cares (NICU) and has helped diagnosing ROP before its progression to blinding stages. Dr. Bajimaya has started next tele-ophthalmology project under South Korean Yonsie University, which has involved establishment of digital information systems in community eye centers and use of Artificial Intelligence in diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy, AMD and Glaucoma. He has also involved in various research on Bhaktapur retina study, Diabetic Retinopathy study, Retinopathy of Prematurity program in Nepal.
Dr. Bajimaya has trained more than 30 MD ophthalmology residents and more than 15 Vitreo-Retina fellows; He published more than 20 articles in peer reviewed journals. He has also organized dozens of national conferences under Nepal Ophthalmic Society (NOS) and Nepal Vitrea-Retina Society. He has delivered various lectures on Cataract & Retina to universities at Japan, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Africa, USA and South Asian countries. Dr. Bajimaya is life member of Lions International and has been actively involved in performing surgical camps at remote districts of Nepal.

Dr. Raba Thapa
Vice- President
View ProfileDr. Raba Thapa MD, PhD is an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Kathmandu, Nepal. She is working as a consultant vitreo-retinal surgeon at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Kathmandu, Nepal since 2005. She completed her MD Ophthalmology from Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, B P Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal in 2005 and Medical and Surgical Vitreo-retinal Fellowship from John A Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, Salt lake City, USA, in 2009. Her other special field of interest is research on retinal diseases as well as other public health important eye problems.

Dr. Pratap Karki
General Secretary

Dr. Irina Kansakar

Dr. Lalit Agrawal
Joint Secretary

Dr. Simanta Khadka
Joint Treasurer

Dr.. Sagun Joshi

Dr. Prushottam Joshi

Dr. Kiran Shakya

Dr. Nitin Tulsiyan

Dr. Subash Pokharel
View ProfileNMC no. 10419
Completed MBBS from Kathmandu University
Completed MD ophthalmology from NAMS(Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology)-2017
Completed Fellowship in Vitreo Retina from Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology-2020
Life member at Nepal Medical association
Life member at Nepal Ophthalmic Society Life member at NVRS